Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Fire Island: A Timeless Toy

You're standing on a narrow wooden dock surrounded by light green brush and the smell of pine. Other than the occasional chirping of a bird and some friendly chatter in the distance, your ears are tickling with an unfamiliar, meditative silence. There's no machinery, cars or engines to disturb the tranquility. The only percussive sound is the occasional kunk-kunk-kunk of rockwellesque red and evergreen wagons as their wheels lunge over each plank of the creaky, old walkways. 

These timeless carriers are an integral token of the Fire Island aesthetic and lifestyle. In fact, they're so prevalent and memorable that the brewery on the neighboring Long Island decided to name their popular IPA "Fire Island Red Wagon." Using one to pull groceries, children, boogie boards to the beach or even a six pack out to the lighthouse is a sign that you're aware of the local ways. While you enjoy the convenience and nostalgia of these pragmatic toys, you'll also be perpetuating one of the traditions that gives this quaint, little island its personality. 

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